It's time. Recently, one of the most significant days of the year arrived – the Day of the Autumn Equinox. For our ancestors, this day was not just another date on the calendar but the beginning of a whole period marked by a distinct autumnal character. The wild game begins its nocturnal "concerts," nature changes under the touch of autumn, and adorns itself in warm colors. At the same time, you can feel the gradual cooling as the sun sets.
In pre-Christian Slavic tradition, the holiday of TURICE, also known as LETNICE or RUSADLIA, was likely among the most significant. The sun had not yet reached its full power, and before the longest day arrived, the day of the SUMMER SOLSTICE, the period of spring festivities would culminate and effectively be concluded with this holiday.
Wake up time has passed. The days of George started a new work cycle. The time of flowering, fertility and love is coming. Goddess Zhiva comes to take the scepter from Vesna. In ancient Rome, the beginning of May was dedicated to the goddess Flora. At that time, the Celts celebrated Beltain and the Germans celebrated Walpurin's night. For the Slavs, the day of May between the spring equinox and the summer solstice is the wedding day of Svarozhich Dazhbog, the sun god, and Zhiva, the goddess
MORENA sold the government to VESNA, and so there is a time when it is obvious that everything in nature seems to be reviving, budding and blooming. It was during this period, which began with the spring equinox, that our ancestors celebrated various holidays and performed many ceremonies. These ceremonies were mainly associated with the change of the season and the beginning of agriculture work. Even today we celebrate WATER DAY as well as EARTH DAY.
We can say that quite a lot can be learned about this ancient holiday and the ceremony associated with it. After all, I guess there is no better-known original ceremony of our pre-Christian ancestors. But let's talk a little more about why it will be thrown into the fire and the water.
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1 Weleslaw (12/29/2023 18:29:29)