



Function: daughter of the primeval god Dyj and Mokosh, the first wife of Dažbog, called Chros, Chrs, Chers, Zlatogorka or Luna, she is the goddess of the moon but also the goddess of magic and healing, rules the water, she is the queen of fairies, she influences the growth and power of herbs actually all living things on earth. Based on its phases, various cyclic events take place on earth.               

Image: as a pale beautiful maiden in white silver embroidered or silver dress. She can also appear wrapped in a black robe. Her white hair is surrounded by a silver crown with white gems. Her chest is usually decorated with a necklace with pearls set in silver. However, Chors often appears as a heroine in silver armor on a black horse.           

Incarnations and descendants: vampires and werewolves                 

Symbols moon, lunica-slavic amulet of moon, willow, black cat, silver

Sacrifices: bread, wine, flowers, silver coins, silver and iron in the form of weapons. These sacrifices are most often sacrificed by throwing them into stagnant waters                 

Holidays during the full moon before the winter solstice, and also during the full moon following the vernal equinox. Of course, it can also be invoked during all full moons or new moons, and actually always during the moonlight. The eclipse of the moon is a symbol of her confinement in the witch's grave             

Note: she is destined to be a dark goddess, but by her union with Dažbog, her dark nature is disturbed. Chors is a mysterious deity, sometimes considered a male deity and sometimes a solar deity. Her masculine depiction could be explained by her being considered a powerful warrior and a connection to the sun due to her temporary, conjugal union with the sun god.



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