



Function:  primordial god born from the sacred cow Zemun, son of Rod, he is the lord of night, darkness and nothingness, a powerful dark sorcerer. The embodiment of the Black Duck.             Image: An old man with long silver hair and a beard riding a black horse. All his armor is made of steel and he has a black crown on his black helmet. He is always wrapped in a huge black cloak with a hood. This pasture is a cloak of invisibility.                       Incarnations and descendants:  Chors                 Symbols: black cloak, black horse, bat, yew, number zero and ten.              Sacrifices: wine, beer, mead, skins and furs, gold, silver, coins and precious stones. Animals of black color were also sacrificed to him.                       Holidays:  Dija's main holiday is the new moon before the winter solstice. Another holiday is the night of the winter solstice, when the night is the longest, and thus his reign lasts the longest. Nights and new moons are also sacred             Note: Of the trio of dark gods, Dij is the mildest and could be considered precisely the opposite of the god Veles, His cloak of invisibility that can hide everything and even absorb all light.


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